About Showcased Cards

Learn More about Showcased Cards and the return policy, refunds, satisfaction guarantee, FAQs, and much more.
  • Get Notified

    Sign up to get the latest information about The Trading Card Case, including new device drops, colors, sales, and much more.

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  • Request a Device

    Don't see your device? Let us know below so we can expand accordingly!

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  • Preoreder Fulfillment Dates

    Check out the estimated fulfillment dates. We'll keep this page up to date as we go.

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  • Satisfaction Guarantee

    We want you to love the phone case and showcase your collection with pride alongside our team and community. We're collectors, too!

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  • Returns and Exchanges

    If you are not completely happy with your purchase, we would be happy to assist in processing a return.

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  • Warranty

    We're sorry to hear you have a warranty issue! We’ll be happy to help you with any issues you may have experienced with our products.

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  • FAQs

    Browse the Frequently Asked Questions from our customers and community!

    See FAQs 
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